7 Ways CEF® Can Help You Reach the Lost "in your own backyard."

7 Ways CEF® Can Help You Reach the Lost "in your own backyard."

For a decade of my life I was privileged to lead a church that was very effective at reaching the lost. Through prayer, hard work and a relentless Gospel focus we experienced strong growth primarily due to new believers being added to our church roles. During that time God taught me many hard and valuable lessons that have stuck with me to this day. […] And I’ve noticed a pattern in these churches…most of them are not effectively reaching the lost with the Gospel in their own communities.” - Greg Steir

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God cares for children; Do we? Part 3

God cares for children; Do we? Part 3

You remember the story of Jonah and the great fish (Jonah 4). God called Jonah to go to Ninevah. Many of you may know that Ninevah was the capital of Assyria. Assyria was going to be a terrible enemy of Israel. Maybe Jonah saw or knew this. Jonah did not want that nation, those people tor repent.

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God cares for children; do we? Part 1

God cares for children; do we? Part 1

In short, we need wisdom to train children, wisdom from God and for ourselves. Christ is our wisdom. We need to live by the wisdom that we know not only for ourselves before God, but for our children. We need to study the wisdom of God’s word and prayerfully seek to apply it to our children.

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Unexpected fruit: 20 year old daughter assured of salvation.

Unexpected fruit: 20 year old daughter assured of salvation.

“Yesterday after returning home from church I went into my 20-yer old daughter’s room to find her in tears. She shared with that she had doubts about her salvation and had for a long time {she was saved at age 6). I ran and got the Good News literature and went through the plan of salvation with her and especially shared about how to KNOW you are saved.

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Double Good News Club®s, Double Children

Double Good News Club®s, Double Children

In the next 5 years I would love for the CEF NEAL Chapter to more than double their Good News Clubs, their 5 Day Clubs, and the number of children and families coming to Christ and getting involved in local churches. Our area of ministry includes Jackson, DeKalb, Marshall, Madison, and Etowah counties… CEF has already established clubs in 14 schools, not to mention their many 5 Day Clubs and summer programs.

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Happy Kids, Helpful Citizens, Good News Club

Happy Kids, Helpful Citizens, Good News Club

This analysis finds that in the U.S. and many other countries around the world, regular participation in a religious community clearly is linked with higher levels of happiness and civic engagement (specifically, voting in elections and joining community groups or other voluntary organizations).

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Prayers, People, Provisions

Prayers, People, Provisions

I want to obey Christ’s command to “go into all the world and make disciples” (Source) and help others do the same through the power o the gospel and the Holy Spirit working in and through us. Thus, we seek prayer, people, and provisions to make this happen. With God’s help, our goal is to raise $50,000 a year for three years to expand the ministry.

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