Unexpected fruit: 20 year old daughter assured of salvation.
/Partners in Ministry, friends and family,
August and September mark the time when we gear up to train and refresh the people doing the work of ministry through Child Evangelism Fellowship®. In August we trained 59 people, including 10 or 15 who had never been involved in the past.
We try to get key training ideas for workers and leaders to use at their clubs, but we also have some amazing personal blessings as one mother shared in an email:
Northeast Alabama volunteers prepare to teach.
“Yesterday after returning home from church I went into my 20-year old daughter’s room to find her in tears. She shared with me that she had doubts about her salvation and had for a long time (she was saved at age 6). I ran and got the Good News literature and went through the plan of salvation with her and especially shared about how to KNOW you are saved. We prayed together, and it was a really sweet time. She is starting nursing school this week… so I am SO glad she opened up to me and also that I had those materials on hand to feel confident in my talk with her. I really enjoyed the training Saturday and feel so much better about the new role I have taken on in our church.”
And it is not just the training. While some will wait until October or even January to start, some have already started. We got great news from one of our returning clubs.
The club leader writes, “Thanks, everyone for your ministry today… we saw some reaping today, too! Little Elijah responded, and I had the privilege of talking with him. He understood his need and wanted to trust the Lord as his Savior. Just think of all the weeks last year that we sowed truth in his heart and mind. To God be the glory!
Let’s pray this week for all the children and parents as they get their permission forms. We’ll leave the number that come to club up to the Lord, and we will sow as much love and truth as we can into the lives of those who attend…
The Lord has opened a great door for us! It’s a joy and privilege to walk through that door with each of you.”
In response, another worker on that team wrote,
“Alexander, a first grader, also accepted Christ as his Savior; he clearly understood the gospel and invitation. After praying (he repeated after me because he said he didn’t know how to pray), he was excited to be a child of God for eternity and my brother.”
We want to have Good News Club® in every one of our 5 counties, building teams and working with churches to multiply children coming to Christ. Your prayers and support are changing lives to the glory of God in Christ.
We are currently at 57% of our support for the 2018 year, or $29,000 out of $50,000 of gifts and commitments. Help us reach every child in every county every day with the love and truth of Jesus Christ!
Send your donations to CEF NEAL, Staff 1, PO Box 2034, Huntsville, AL, 35801-2304.
Your fellow servant,
Jim Simoneau