7 Ways CEF® Can Help You Reach the Lost "in your own backyard."

7 Ways CEF® Can Help You Reach the Lost "in your own backyard."

For a decade of my life I was privileged to lead a church that was very effective at reaching the lost. Through prayer, hard work and a relentless Gospel focus we experienced strong growth primarily due to new believers being added to our church roles. During that time God taught me many hard and valuable lessons that have stuck with me to this day. […] And I’ve noticed a pattern in these churches…most of them are not effectively reaching the lost with the Gospel in their own communities.” - Greg Steir

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God cares for children; Do we? Part 3

God cares for children; Do we? Part 3

You remember the story of Jonah and the great fish (Jonah 4). God called Jonah to go to Ninevah. Many of you may know that Ninevah was the capital of Assyria. Assyria was going to be a terrible enemy of Israel. Maybe Jonah saw or knew this. Jonah did not want that nation, those people tor repent.

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How are you using your summer?

How are you using your summer?

“You’ll get up early, work a long time, get frustrated by crazy kids’ songs stuck in your head for the next year. But in the end, you’ll see it’s been a lot more than that. You’ve learned so much: you’ve forced yourself to get up in front of others; you’ve grown closer to your fellow workers; and, most of all, you’ve planted the most valuable seeds in the hearts of so may little ones.”

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God cares for children; do we? Part 1

God cares for children; do we? Part 1

In short, we need wisdom to train children, wisdom from God and for ourselves. Christ is our wisdom. We need to live by the wisdom that we know not only for ourselves before God, but for our children. We need to study the wisdom of God’s word and prayerfully seek to apply it to our children.

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