How are you using your summer?
/Acts 1:8 “… You shall be my witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.”
*This article is adapted from the 2019 CYIA brochure and reflects the specific details for summer 2019.
What is Christian Youth In Action® (CYIA™)?
CYIA™ is a Child Evangelism Fellowship® (CEF®) program designed to train young people to teach children about God.
1. CYIA™ 2019 State Training School:
This one-week training prepares you to teach kids (Pre-K to age 12) in a 5-Day Club® as a member of a teaching team. The school will be held at Raleigh’s Place, near Clanton, Alabama, from June 9th to June 14th. School fees are $300 for room, meals, and student supplies. CEF NEAL will assist you in raising the funds.
You will learn how to present the Gospel clearly on a child’s level, to teach Bible Lessons, Bible verses, and missionary stories; and to lead kids in meaningful prayer, songs, and games.
2. Teaching 5-Day Club®s
You will begin teaching 5-Day Club®s with your team the week after state training.
5-Day Club®s take place at different locations that change each week.
Most clubs will last 60 -90 minutes.
You will teach 2 to 3 clubs each day, Monday through Friday, in June and July.
You may have time off for vacation, family events, mission trips, doctor visits, employment, etc. We request you serve full time at least 2 to 3 weeks after training.
CYIA teens served during the summer of 2017.
Who can serve as a CYIA™ missionary?
Youth ages 14-19. Must be 14 by June 1,2019.
Who can serve as a CYIA™ Helper?
Youth ages 12-14. Must be 12 by June 1, 2019. Under special circumstances, ages 14-19 may also serve as CYIA™ Helpers.
What is different about CYIA™ Helpers?
CYIA™ Helpers do NOT attend state training school. They receive all their training in Huntsville. CYIA™ Helpers may lead any segment of the 5-Day Club® except for the Bible lesson and counseling a child for salvation.
Are any adult leaders present?
YES! Adult volunteers who have been screened locally (interviews, references checked, and criminal background check conducted) are present during all CYIA™ activities. Only CEF® approved adult volunteers will drive CYIA™ missionaries and helpers during the work day, which begins at the time team members assemble at the designated meeting place and ends when they return there for parents to pick them up. The adults drive to, from, and between the 5-Day Club® locations.
“You’ll get up early, work a long time, get frustrated by crazy kids’ songs stuck in your head for the next year. But in the end, you’ll see it’s been a lot more than that. You’ve learned so much: you’ve forced yourself to get up in front of others; you’ve grown closer to your fellow workers; and, most of all, you’ve planted the most valuable seeds in the hearts of so may little ones.” – 2016 CYIA™ missionary
What’s next?
CYIA teens make a difference in the lives of children and families when they spend their summer sharing the gospel.
1. Pray!
2. Discuss with your parents.
3. Contact either Miss Uithoven or Dr. Simoneau for more information. (see below)
4. Request your Application and complete with your parents. Submit to Miss Uithoven for processing.
5. Attend 2019 CYIA State Training School (or local training for helpers).
6. Go teach 5-Day Club®s!
Miss Rachel Uithoven, 5-Day Club® Ministry Student Leader
Mobile: 256-701-2565
Dr. Jim Simoneau, Local Coordinator for CEF of Northeast Alabama
Mobile: 334-399-1733
We hope you will prayerfully consider serving with us in CYIA™ this coming summer! May God give you wisdom to know His will and the strength to obey him!
Psalm 16:11 “You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”
What is CEF®?
Child Evangelism Fellowship® (CEF®) is an evangelical, Bible-centered mission whose purpose is to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and to establish (disciple) them in the Word of God and in a local church for Christian living. Read More.