Inexpressible gifts: 1,000 children!

In 1 Corinthians 9:15 Paul says, “Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!”

The reason we are in ministry at all is because Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came from His heavenly Father, to save us from our sins, to give us new life, and to help us spread the good news of Jesus everywhere we go.

But God has blessed us with many gifts in ministry as well, through the power of his son Jesus.

You have partnered with us and many individuals and churches to share the good news of Jesus Christ through the ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship® in Northeast Alabama.

Since September we have presented the Gospel through over 100 workers to over 1,000 children. 742 of the children are registered to meet every week in our 16 after-school Good News Club®s. And we have plans to start or restart another 3 clubs in November and 2 clubs in January, if the Lord allows.

15 children since August have made professions of faith in Jesus Christ! The angels in heaven are rejoicing! We have discovered we have about 100 elementary schools in our five counties. We are in around 20 of those. We only have 80 more schools to go!

And it is worth all the trouble. Let me share with you a story from one of our Gadsden clubs. In one of the Boys and Girls Clubs in November, the attendance was down. Less than half of the children came that day. But one of the children had come for the first time. After Martha presented the Gospel, a little girl raised her hand and said, “What is the cross?” It brought tears to Martha’s eyes. The little child accepted Christ as her Savior. How many more children – even here in our own state – do not know the good news of Jesus and his love, displayed on the cross?

Will you help us? The Lord enabled us to raise about 80% of our desired income for this year to do this work of ministry. That comes to about $40,000 of the $50,000 we are hoping to raise. Please keep praying with us and ask the Lord to help us meet this goal. Maybe the Lord will put it on your heart to give.

We are praying that the Lord will do even more! We want to raise up new Good News Club® leaders, more summer workers, more administrative assistants, and more prayer warriors who will pray for open doors and see God multiply this work to his glory!

In this Christmas season we thank God for you. So many of you have partnered with us in these labors of love in the name of our Lord and Savior.

With love and prayers, and Merry Christmas!

Jim and Susan Simoneau

Coordinator, CEF® NEAL
