Happy Kids, Helpful Citizens, Good News Club
/New Research: Religion Linked to Happiness and Good Citizenship
A new report from Pew Research Center suggests that being actively involved in a religion has a positive impact on people and perhaps even society in general:
This analysis finds that in the U.S. and many other countries around the world, regular participation in a religious community clearly is linked with higher levels of happiness and civic engagement (specifically, voting in elections and joining community groups or other voluntary organizations).
Some of the key findings, according to author Jessica Mouser, include:
People who are religious are more likely to volunteer in other non-religious groups.
People who are religious are less likely to smoke or drink.
People who are religious are more likely to vote.
People who are religious are more likely to describe themselves as “very happy.”
Read more about the details of this study here.
A small group meets in a Good News Club® in a Northeast Alabama school.
We know that above all the greatest impact of the ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship® is boys and girls coming to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Paul says in his letter to the Corinthians, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come .” (2 Corinthians 5:17)
When anyone, even — maybe especially a child — is made new by the gospel, they gain power through the Holy Spirit to live in submission to God’s ways. So the findings of this research should be no surprise to those who have received the abundant life that Jesus Christ promises. (John 10:10)
By God’s grace, a 2001 Supreme Court Ruling opened the doors of public schools to ministry, specifically in the form of Good News Club®s. If you would like to know more about impacting children’s lives through Good News Club® or other CEF® ministry, contact CEF® of Northeast Alabama at 334-399-1733.