Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue
/Something Old, Something New
Something Borrowed, Something Blue
And a silver six pence in her shoe.
It is a little poem that has been used about weddings since the 1800’s which parallels our first month of ministry in June and July with Child Evangelism Fellowship® of Northeast Alabama, or CEF® NEAL for short. While our ministry is not nearly as elaborate with the external trappings of royal weddings, it is richer with eternal significance bringing in the harvest of souls.
Something Old
We started learning much of the rich history of CEF® NEAL that flows from CEF® and ultimately from Christ and the gospel. The CEF® NEAL ministry goes back over 50 years! I am still making contacts with people who have been touched, saved, grown, and blessed through this ministry. Part of my work has been meeting both the past and present people involved in moving the good news of Jesus Christ forward. I have met pastors, workers, missions’ committees, and more.
We started by honoring the past coordinator of CEF® Good News Club®s. Cathy Watts and her husband Tim have continued to bless and help us, as have the strong members of our local committee.
Something New
CEF® has been used of God to lead me and many others to know Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. I have been teaching CEF® in Montgomery with our team there for over 5 years, but now I am becoming a coordinator of clubs and volunteers, working with the CYIA™ teams of summer workers, the local committee, and other ministries as we seek to reach every child in every county in every God-given way. There is much more to learn about CEF®: the opportunities, the challenges, the blessings, and the hand of God stirring us to tough even more lives, families, churches, and more communities with the good news of Jesus Christ.
CYIA teens teach 5-Day Club® in a day care setting.
Something Borrowed
In my learning, I am not starting from scratch. In God’s providence and through the hard work of His children, we had 26 Good News Club®s in Jackson, Madison, Marshall, DeKalb, and Etowah counties in the 2017-2018 school year. I visited many of these cubs in April, before I came on staff. Our committee chairman, Jean Sarver, along with the Christian Youth In Action® (CYIA™) teams let me work with the helper training and the prayer and introductions as we seek to see that ministry grow as well. I truly am building on the rich and blessed work of others.
Something Blue
But as all new things require change, we so miss the familiar surroundings of Montgomery and our friends and the work there. But God is introducing us to new friends and opportunities from the work in Northeast Alabama. And we are keeping in touch though phone calls, letters, and emails.
And a silver six pence in her shoe
We have been seeking (and finding) more prayer warriors for this work. We are looking into more people and churches to help serve Christ through Good News Club®s, CYIA™, and the local committee, and we are seeking more provisions to meet the needs before us. Maybe that is the silver six pence in our shoe?
Our goal for this year is to raise $50,000. We have received $14,713. 94 as of the end of June. It is a great beginning! Please pray that Christ, our bridegroom, will provide all we need. We know He will!
Love and prayers,
Jim and Susan Simoneau
Please send contributions to:
Staff 1, CEF® NEAL
PO Box 2034
Huntsville, AL, 35804-2034