Prayers, People, Provisions

Dear friends:


As many of you already know, Susan and I are moving to Huntsville where I will serve as the part-time CEF® Northeast Alabama Chapter Coordinator. I would like to ask for your support as I transition to this position. With God’s help, our goal is to raise $50,000 a year for three years to expand the ministry in Huntsville and the Northeast Alabama Chapter of CEF® until it is fully sustained by churches, businesses, and individuals in Northeast Alabama.

Fourteen schools in Huntsville area have Good News Club®s, not including the 5-Day Club®s, and summer programs. This year, CEF®’s 115 volunteers reached 488 students with 11 professions of faith! My goal is to double the number of Good News Club®s and 5-Day Club®s and to increase the number of children and families who receive Christ and become involved in the local churches.

I want to obey Christ’s command to “go into all the world and make disciples” (Mark 16:15) and help others do the same through the power of the gospel and the Holy Spirit working in and through us. Thus, we seek prayer, people, and provisions to make this happen. We ask for:

·         Prayers for boldness, wisdom, and direction as we proclaim the gospel in North Alabama; to be received with open hearts and minds for the gospel; and to make our efforts fruitful as we encourage others to come to Christ.

·         People to volunteer to teach and become leaders for the CEF® committee, clubs, and churches, and to unite families to local churches.

·         Provisions of gifts, talents, and time to serve our children in the clubs; to staff our offices and manage supplies; to train and promote new volunteers; and to provide resources to support this ministry.


I ask you to consider supporting our efforts in Northeast Alabama, just as you have through Young Meadows Church, as we embark on a new journey in Christ. Your gifts and contributions will help us boost these CEF® programs in Northeast Alabama as we make connections in the community and create partnerships with local churches, organizations, businesses, and individuals there.

Please make your checks payable to CEF/Northeast Alabama and send to CEF, PO Box 2034, Huntsville, AL, 35804-2304. Please designate gifts to Staff 1, CEFNEAL.

Thank you for your dedicated support of our CEF® clubs and programs. We appreciate your response to our request to help us spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through CEF® in Alabama.

Anticipating God’s work,

Jim Simoneau