Children, Covid, & Hope

Children, Covid, & Hope

During the Co-Vid crisis many children do not know what is happening and need help facing their fears about sickness and death. Many parents and leaders are busy with their own concerns, but children need time, attention and personal resources to face their fears and concerns not only to trust Jesus to save them from their sin, but to help them cope with the reality in this fallen world. Children can deal with fear and death if done with God’s help, with wisdom, and hope.

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CYIA 2020 - That's a Wrap!


Hey friends!
CYIA 2020 is a wrap!
Last week was our final week of CYIA! In past three weeks, we had six clubs with 27 kids. We were able to have two clubs in-person at houses. One of the hosts is wanting to get a school year Good News Club set up and was hoping that having us during the summer would help launch into that. I would say that the children were definitely excited and the parents were interested. One parent even offered to help get the club going!
Also, this past week, the teens had a new opportunity for them. Each morning, we have a worship and devotions time with the teens. Typically, I have lead the devotions most of the summer, but this week we gave the teens the opportunity to take a day and lead devotions.
On Friday, we had a party to celebrate the teens and what they have done and learned this summer. We played games, had snacks, and invited the parents to watch them be presented with their certificates for their work this summer. We even had a raffle bag for them to win with candy, toys, and ministry supplies.


So many of the kids we taught were so excited and enjoyed club so much. One girl, during the review game, would always get the biggest smile on her face before giving the answers! Another child when asked if they could make something go on forever and what it would be, said, “This!” But 5-Day Clubs are about so much more than fun. They are about a friendship with the Savior, and whether the children were discipled in their faith or told of an amazing love they never knew existed, God’s word has gotten out this summer despite all the challenges that threatened to keep the message at bay. Sure, I can’t report as many numbers of clubs or children reached as previous more normal years.
But here’s what I can report:

  • We had 8 clubs with 35 kids

  • Foundations were planted for a new Good News Club

  • 3 teens were trained in teaching kids the word of God

  • Not only were the teens trained in teaching pre-prepared lessons but also trained in writing their own material

  • 40 teaching videos were filmed in English, with 2,956 total views and reaching 6,639

  • 8 teaching videos were filmed in Spanish, with 409 total views and reaching 877

  • Each of the team members, me included, have grown in our relationship with the Lord over these weeks


I am so proud of the teens and what they have done this summer. They were thrown lots of challenges and curveballs, but they kept with it. Even though this has been by on all accounts the most challenging and unusual summer I have had in CYIA, the teens are all excited about coming next year. They and their parents had patience and perseverance with the ever-changing schedules, regulations, and forms of ministry as we worked this summer. I really want you to hear from the teens about their experience this summer:
“I learned that God has a plan for my life and that God hears prayer. I’ve learned how to understand children,  how to talk to them in their world, how to work under pressure, and how to run on a few hours of sleep and still be enthusiastic. I’ve learned a ton of scriptures and what they mean, how to pick a random verse and teach the whole Gospel through it. … And [I’ve learned] that you shouldn’t let your age stop you from what God wants you to do and that even if you’re the youngest, you can still do it. And anyone who doesn’t think you can, prove them wrong. … This summer was the best thing to ever happened to me for I’ve learned that God is in control.”
“I feel great that I told kids about Jesus. Videos for CEF were really fun when doing them. I am happy I could have a new experience with kids.”
“I learned sooooo much like how to deal with kids of all ages in many different situations; how to teach Bible stories; how to IPEAR (intro presentation explanation application repetition) anything like a song, Bible verse, Bible lesson, etc.; and how to tell the Gospel to kids of any age in a way they would understand and lots of different ways that I never knew before. I also learned soooooo much more than could have be put into words, but it helped me so much with my spiritual life and growth as a Christian. The things I learned I will be using for as long as I live.”


For me personally, I know that all my summers in the CYIA program have been times of immense growth. I have learned about teaching, friendship, service, leadership, and about the deep love I have for children’s ministry. When I started, I never imagined that this would become my passion or that I would one day be leading it. This year in particular has tested me and taught me patience, flexibility, and trust in God’s sufficiency. It is always fun for a control freak who likes everything organized and planned out to be sitting up at 10:00pm the night before trying to solidify if, when, and where they have to lead a team in clubs the next morning. But that is how all of life goes—God doesn’t promise us a fully laid out plan with a map and exact details of what to do when, where, and how. Psalm 119:105 (ESV) says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”. We are promised just enough light to keep going. I have gotten into the habit of each morning, praying to God not for a perfect day and 1000 years of energy, but for just enough of what I need to get through the day. Lord, just give me what I need to do Your will TODAY. I want to see all the plans laid out, and I want to understand it all. Here’s the catch, God never asked us to understand; in fact, just the opposite. He asks us to trust Him. I want to encourage you all especially in these times that you don’t need to see the whole picture. Trust God and follow Him. He will provide everything you need for His will.
Hebrews 12:1 (ESV) “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,”

Rachel E. Uithoven
5-Day Club Student Leader

Dr. Jim Simoneau
Local Director

Kathryn Burleson
Good News Club Coordinator and Teacher Trainer

Videos para Niños

Esta sección contiene vídeos para niños, pero también son para toda la familia.
Nuestro equipo comparte lecciones Bíblicas verdaderamente emocionantes, versos divertidos para memorizar, enseñanzas de oración, cantos geniales, y más.

Juan 14:6 -  ¿Has pensado sobre cómo puedes llegar a Dios? Raquel tiene un juego divertido usando el versículo Juan 14:6 donde te dará la respuesta a esta pregunta.  (haz clic)

Una enseñanza sobre la señal del paso de peatones - una enseñanza sobre la oración. ¿Qué tiene que ver un paso de peatones con la oración? ¡Mira el video para que puedas aprender la relación que tienen! (haz clic)

¿Quién sufrió tú castigo? 1 Pedro 3:18a - ¡Alguien sufrió un gran castigo en tu lugar! Mira este video para que aprendas lo que sucedió. . (haz clic)

Gracias a Betty Lukens por darnos permiso para usar los fieltros

Jeremias 31:3b - ¿Has pensado alguna vez "Quiero que una cosa nunca deje de existir"? Nuestro versículo de hoy nos habla de algo que nunca dejará de existir, nunca cesará. Mira el video para aprender que es. (haz clic)
Gracias a Betty Lukens por darnos permiso para usar los fieltros.

Él Pagó por Todo - El dinero puede comprar mucho, pero... ¿Sabes que hay una cosa que el dinero no puede comprar? ¡Este video te dirá que es! (haz clic)

Gracias a Betty Lukens por darnos permiso para usar los fieltros.

Tus manos te pueden ayudar a orar - ¿Sabías que puedes usar los dedos de las manos para recordar orar por personas en tu vida? Mira este video para aprender cómo lo puedes hacer. (haz clic)
Gracias a Betty Lukens por darnos permiso para usar los fieltros.

Una promesa de la Biblia sobre la tierra - Génesis 8:22 - ¿Te dan miedo las noticias sobre el medio ambiente? En este video te compartimos un versículo que puede traer paz a tu corazón. (haz clic)
Gracias a Betty Lukens por darnos permiso para usar los fieltros.

¿Sabes por qué se escribió la Biblia? - Juan 20:31 - Este video te ayudará a entender el porqué. (haz clic)
Gracias a Betty Lukens por darnos permiso para usar los fieltros.

¿Alguna vez te has preguntado: ¿Es mi vida un buen testimonio para otros? ¿Cómo te portas cuando estás con tus amigos, tu familia o en la iglesia? Mira este video para entender qué tan importante es tener un buen testimonio delante de todos no importa donde estés. 1 Pedro 3:15 (haz clic)

Summer 2020 Vids for Kids

This section has videos for kids, but the whole family is welcome! Our Summer team shares exiting true Bible lessons, fun memory verses, prayer teachings, and great songs.


Discovering more about God

Following God’s Directions: Cain & Abel Bible lesson - To be to play games and have fun together, you need to follow the directions. Our lesson today tells about some people who had to choose whether to follow God's directions and come to Him His way or not. Would they do it? (click here) Felts used by permission from Betty Lukens.

One Way to Have Hope: Jairus' daughter Bible lesson - Jairus and his wife were afraid and felt hopeless. Their daughter was dying! Suddenly Jairus remembered someone he had heard about, someone who was known for working in hopeless situations! Who was this person? Tune in to find out! (click here)
Felts used by permission from Betty Lukens.

One Way to God: Naaman Bible lesson - What would you do if you had a problem that you couldn't make better? What if there was nothing and no one in the world that could help you? In our Bible lesson today, there is someone with a terrible problem, and it seemed like there was nothing that could help him. Watch to find out! (click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

God Wants to Forgive You: The Prodigal Son Bible lesson - Parties are so much fun! One day Jesus talked about a huge, exciting party and someone who didn't want to go! This person was angry about the party! Listen to find out who this person was. (click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

God is Merciful: Rahab Bible lesson - Is there anyone who is exactly like you? We are all different. Sometimes people don't like other people because they look or act differently. But God made each person unique - one of a kind. The Bible reminds us that His love and mercy are for all people! In today's Bible lesson, a woman learns about God and His mercy. (click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

Digging into Your Bible

Digging into Your Bible, Part 1 - Have you ever wondered what's in your Bible, how it's divided, and how to find a verse? Tune in to the first episode of this series "Digging in to Your Bible!" (click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

Digging into Your Bible, Part 2 - Join Rachel for the second episode of "Digging into Your Bible" to learn more about what is in your Bible and extras that may be included in your Bible. Let's dig in! (click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

Digging into Your Bible, Part 3 - Have you ever wondered why there are so many different Bibles? Tune in to this third episode of "Digging into Your Bible" to find out more! (click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

Digging into Your Bible, Part 4 - Have you ever wondered how to dig into your Bible, such as where to begin or how to go deeper? In part 4 of Digging into Your Bible, Rachel helps you to know how to dig deeper! (click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

Digging into Your Bible, Part 5 - Have you ever wondered how God wrote the Bible? In Digging into Your Bible part 5, Rachel talks about how God gave us His Word. Check it out! (click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

Building strong foundations

God’s Great Grace Ephesians 1:7 - Have you ever heard the word "grace?" Tune in to hear about God's great grace and how you can have it. (click here) Check out this link to hear this verse to song! (verse song - click here)

Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

Jesus is the Way John 14:6 - If you were invited to a party, how would you get there? You would need to know the way. Today's verse tells the way that God made for you to come to Him. Tune in to find out the Way! (click here) To hear this verse to a fun song, check out this link!

Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

God Made a Way for You to Come to Him 1 Peter 3:18 - Have you every done something wrong and gotten in trouble? What if someone came and said he will take your punishment for you? Our verse today talk about that! (click here) Check out this link for a fun verse song!

What Goes on Forever Jeremiah 31:3b - Have you ever wanted something to go on forever? Our verse today tells of something that will never end! (click here) Check of this fun song with the verse!

Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

Important information for you - John 20:31 - Have you ever wondered what a word means or wanted to know more about something? I can be fun to find answers, but to find to the most important information for your life now and forever, you need to go to God's Word. In today's verse, listen to find out one reason God's Word was written! (click here) Check out this link for a fun verse song!

God Loves the World - John 3:16 - Think about what is precious to you. How would you feel if you had to give it up. Our verse today tells about someone precious who God chose to give for you. Check it out! (click here)

Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.
Contact us at or 334-399-1733.

Bring Glory to God Whatever You Do - 1 Corinthians 10:31 - How could a firefighter, teacher, or store worker bring glory to God? Today's verse tells how we can bring glory to God whatever we do. Watch to find out! (click here)

Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

How to Find Your Way - Psalm 119:105 - How can you find your way in the dark? How can you find the right way in your life? Today's verse gives the answer. Watch to find out! (click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

God is Love - 1 John 4:8 - Has anyone ever done something really nice for you, like maybe your friends or family? They are showing that they care about you and love you! Did you know that someone loves you even more than anyone else? Our verse today talks about this. Check it out! (click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

We All Fall Short - Romans 3:23 - Have you every tried to throw a basketball and missed the hoop? The ball fell short of the goal. There are all things where we fall short or don't make the goal. Our verse today tells of something of which everyone falls short. Watch to find out! (click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

You Can Know This for Sure! - Job 19:25-26 - What is something you know 100% for sure? Maybe your name or that you will land on the ground every time that you jump up. Our verse today talks about something you can absolutely know 100% for sure! Check it out. (click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

The Amy Carmichael story

Amy Carmichael, part 1 - Have you ever wanted something very much and told "no?" There was something Amy wanted very much. Would the answer be "yes" or "no?" Tune in to find out! (click here) Felts used by permission from Betty Lukens.

Amy Carmichael, part 2 - Can Amy find a way to save the children? Check out the second part of the true story of Amy Carmichael. (click here)

Amy Carmichael, part 3 - Last time, we ended with Amy wondering where the temple found all the children. Will she discover the answer and be able to rescue more children? Tune in to find out! (click here)

Amy Carmichael, part 4 - Do you remember the name of the older girl who ran away to get Amy's help? Would she be able to stay with Amy, or would her family force her to come with them? Watch to find out! (click here)

Amy Carmichael, part 5 - Would Amy be able to buy the land so that she can be able to rescue more children? Watch the final chapter of Amy to find out! (click here)
Felts used by the gracious permission of Betty Lukens.

You can talk to God!

Crosswalk sign - What does a crosswalk sign have to do with prayer? Watch to find out! (click here)

One Way Sign - Tune in to find out what a One Way sign tells about about prayer! (click here)

Stop To Pray - Have you ever seen a stop sign? Tune in to find out what a stop sign tells us about prayer! (Click here)

No limits - Have you seen a speed limit sign? It says you can only go this fast. Tune in to find out what a speed limit sign has to do with talking to God! (click here)

Sing to Him

King of the Jungle song - Who is the King of the Jungle? Join Rachel and Evan as they share about the King with a super fun and active song. (Click here)

Jesus Loves Me song - Do you think Jesus loves little children? He does! Join us for this fun song about Jesus' love. (click here)
Felts used by permission from Betty Lukens.

Stop and Go song - Have you seen a traffic light before? Did you know that the red and green lights can remind you about stopping to hear about Jesus and going to tell others about Jesus? Check out this fun song! (click here)
Felts used by permission from Betty Lukens.

The 7 Most Important Things song - While there are many very important things, tune in to find out what are the 7 most important things! (click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

One Way song - "One way God said to get to heaven..." Sisters Kara and Sophia share a fun song about the one God way made for you to know Him and have your sin forgiven. Check it out! (click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.

Remembering You in Our Prayers & Resources for Children

Remembering You in Our Prayers & Resources for Children

So many things that were everyday parts of our lives just weeks ago now look very different. School online. Work online, at home, or maybe closed for now. Graduations cancelled or postponed. Grocery and food pick-ups. Staying at home except for essentials. Who could have possibly known? None of us. But God was not caught by surprise. God has not relinquished His control or His sovereignty.

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Faith and Prayer in This Time of Crisis

Faith and Prayer in This Time of Crisis

“fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

With the spreading of sickness around the world and in the US, let us not be afraid. Yes, take precautions. Yes, do what you can to stay healthy and protect others. But do not fear. Fear is not from God. He gives a spirit of power, love, and self-control. He is with us and is our strength.

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Praises, Prayers, & Looking Ahead - February 2020

Praises, Prayers, & Looking Ahead - February 2020

Friends, family, and partners in ministry,

Since we last spoke with you, we have been working hard on many projects. One of the exciting new changes is a new office and combining all our local committees, our staff, and our material resources. We received donations of free furniture: three desks, 3 filing cabinets, 5 tables, many file folders and paper, printers, and more. We have spent much of January working on combining files, ending separate committees, and uniting the new committee with many discussions and plans.

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Praises and Prayers December 2019

Dear friends and partners in ministry,

In this season of rejoicing, we are thanking God for the privileges and blessings of sharing the love and truth of Jesus with children. We have thrilling stories of God’s work in the lives of children through CEF in North Alabama.
First, from our Northwest committee: “One of the teachers at school where we have a Good News Club [GNC] told me that one of the students said, ‘Mrs. Chambers did you know I have two birthdays?’ She asked, ‘How is that?’ The student said he had learned in GNC that when you receive Jesus as Savior that is the second birthday.”
Second, from our Northeast committee: One of the older children God brought to faith was transformed by the gospel through our Christian Youth in Action team. As he heard the good news, he began asking questions. In front of all the children, he received Christ, and the adult sponsor reported she saw a change in his life immediately!
In Gadsden this Fall, God opened the flood gates, and 49 children made professions of faith in Christ in three of our clubs! They were counseled together and confirmed their trust in Jesus.
At Christmas, we are reminded that Jesus came to earth that we might know the Triune God. Jesus, the perfect and only eternal God-man, came to earth to save us from our sin. He bled and died and rose again to give us new life. This Good News is for everyone, including the little children.

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Mark 10:13-15 says, "And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, 'Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs to the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it."

Luke 10: 21 adds, “In that same hour he rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said, ‘I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children; yes, Father, for such was your gracious will’.”
God is using your gifts, prayers, and participation in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ to see children come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and they are telling others also! Please help us do even more!
All gifts postmarked on or before December 31, 2019, will be counted for the 2019 year. Please mail your tax-deductible gifts to either CEF of NW or NE through December 2019 until we are merged in January to become North AL.
*CEF of Alabama, Inc. Northwest Alabama Chapter, P.O. Box 304, Eva, AL 35621
*CEF of Alabama, Inc. Northeast Alabama Chapter, P.O. Box 2034, Huntsville, AL 35804
For Christ and for the children,
*Jim Simoneau, Local Director
*Kathryn Burleson, Good News Club Coordinator & Teacher Trainer

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Huntsville City School Board & Chapter Merger

Huntsville City School Board & Chapter Merger


The school board started a brand-new building use policy on August 1, 2019. They decided to charge all the character-building organizations fees for the use of classroom space. This would include the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, CEF and other similar non-profit organizations. For the North Alabama region of CEF, we will have charges for about $9,000 for the 2019 – 2020 school year for our five schools in the Huntsville City School District.

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