Remembering You in Our Prayers & Resources for Children


Dear CEF friends & family,

So much is happening right now that is unknown, so many things cancelled. Times like this can be scary and worrisome. Here's some wisdom about worry from a child of five and her mom:
"'We don't worry, right Mom?' she said. 'God is with us even if we get the Coronavirus.' Yes, He is. He's with us as we attempt to educate our kids when we're all cooped up together. He's with us in those lonely moments where we wonder if we'll survive this self-isolation. He's with us in every disappointment, weak moment, and worry. God is with us."

CANCELLED/CLOSED: school, sports, graduations, meetings, trips, concerts, stores.

So many things that were everyday parts of our lives just weeks ago now look very different. School online. Work online, at home, or maybe closed for now. Graduations cancelled or postponed. Grocery and food pick-ups. Staying at home except for essentials. Who could have possibly known? None of us. But God was not caught by surprise. God has not relinquished His control or His sovereignty. 

God was not surprised when cruel and evil men agreed to falsely accuse Jesus and nail Him to the cross. They thought that they were in charge and that they could stop Jesus. They arrested Jesus in the garden and most of Jesus’ disciples were afraid and ran away. But especially on Easter Sunday, we remember that Jesus not only died but rose again. The evil and wicked men did not defeat God or His Son Jesus, though for a little while it looked like they had defeated Jesus. But Jesus is greater than sin, death, sickness, and every kind of trouble we will face. He is helping us to trust Him and find our strength in the resurrected Jesus.

We the staff and committee of CEF of North AL know the hurt of missing friends, of family and friends working on the front lines, of cancelled graduations, of not meeting in person with our churches, of the isolation of "stay at home," of all the emotions and uncertainties that are part of this. We are experiencing this with you. 

It is so easy to focus on these things and become overwhelmed by the waves like Peter when he began sinking in the waves after taking his eyes off Jesus. Yet there is peace and hope available for each of us if we will only ask Him and think on Him. I know personally that it can be challenging to keep my eyes and ears off the wind and waves; they look and sound so huge sometimes. Focus on Jesus, daily and moment by moment. He is with us always.

Please know that we are praying for you and all that you face during these troubled times. We would love to know how we can pray more specifically for you. We also encourage you to pray for each other. Pick up the phone or FaceTime someone and pray together. Pray for each other, others, our nation, those on the front lines on the pandemic, those who are lost without Christ. Pray and give thanks to God for Jesus  

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 “Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.“

For Christ and for the children,
Kathryn Burleson
Good News Club Coordinator & Teacher Trainer

Dr. James R Simoneau
Local Director

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Free Covid-19 Resources for Children
Child Evangelism Fellowship® is using technology to provide a variety of FREE and timely resources to engage children spiritually and emotionally during this time of social distancing. These resources will help children to know that God is in control, even in these uncertain times.
Click here for COVID-19 FREE resources for children.

The CARES Act – Good News for Donors
The COVID-19 crisis has produced many unprecedented situations in our nation. While many of those situations are adverse – you may not know that with the CARES Act there are great benefits and incentives that can stretch your charitable giving.

  • Gifts up to $300 are now 100% deductible even for those using the standard deduction. This means that you can deduct up to $300 whether you itemize your deductions or not. Contributions by cash, credit card, or check are eligible; however, gifts of stock are not.

  • For donors making major gift donations, the maximum deduction is raised to 100%. Previously individuals could deduct up to 60% of their adjusted gross income (AGI) for charitable deductions of cash (not gifts of stock). The stimulus package allows individuals to deduct up to 100% of their AGI in 2020. This is helpful for donors making major gift donations and makes it possible to eliminate federal tax burden entirely. In addition, donations in excess of AGI may be carried over for up to five additional years.

  • Corporations have greater incentive to make charitable gifts. Previously charitable giving for a corporation has been limited to 10% of taxable income. The limit has been increased to 25% of taxable income, making charitable gifts more attractive to business donors. 

Will you prayerfully consider joining us as financial partners and giving as God leads you?

Please mail your donation to:
CEF of AL, Inc. North AL Chapter
P.O. Box 2034
Huntsville, AL 35804

Child Evangelism Fellowship® will make every effort to honor the contribution designation of the donor, yet contributions must be under the direction and control of CEF®. CEF has the discretion to determine how to best use contributions to carry out its functions and purposes. Such control of the funds by CEF is required to ensure the donor's contibutions satisfy requirements for tax-deductibility.