Online CEF Resources for You and for Children

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Children’s Ministry Institute online learning

Social distancing is necessary in the midst of the global pandemic we are experiencing. Our world is changing! Now, more than ever, we are relying on technology to connect with others. CMI Online is one of the tools God is using to keep training ministry going strong. When Teaching Children Effectively™ Level 1 field courses could no longer meet due to COVID-19 meeting restrictions, CMI Online made it possible for the courses to continue to completion in an online format. Thirteen unique TCE™ Level 1 field courses were created. Students are now able to view video class sessions from a safe social distance.

Click here to go to CMI Online courses.

The Romans Road

CMI Online offers the FREE three-week Romans Road for Children course four times a year: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. The course not only spans the year, but it spans the globe! Adults around the world are learning the importance of evangelizing children, and children are hearing and responding to the Gospel as students complete their real-world teaching assignment. The Spring 2020 course will be held May 12-June 1. Registration is open NOW. Click here for Romans Road course dates and self-enrollment info.

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Free Covid-19 Resources for Children

Child Evangelism Fellowship® is using technology to provide a variety of FREE and timely resources to engage children spiritually and emotionally during this time of social distancing. These resources will help children to know that God is in control, even in these uncertain times. Click here for COVID-19 FREE resources for children.