Praises, Prayers, & Looking Ahead - February 2020


Friends, family, and partners in ministry,


Since we last spoke with you, we have been working hard on many projects. One of the exciting new changes is a new office and combining all our local committees, our staff, and our material resources. We received donations of free furniture: three desks, 3 filing cabinets, 5 tables, many file folders and paper, printers, and more. We have spent much of January working on combining files, ending separate committees, and uniting the new committee with many discussions and plans.

We are continuing to work with the Huntsville City School Board, building relationships and looking for ways to save finances. At the same time, God has given us more clubs in this school system with more clubs to come. We started a couple of years ago with 4 clubs in the Huntsville system. We have added two more this year with one more school where we already have three volunteers waiting to get started. God is raising up the prayers, the people, and the resources to do His work! Praise the Lord!


As we look ahead, we are beginning to make plans for our Christian Youth in Action (CYIA), which is our summer program that trains youth and raises new leaders for the Lord and His work. Many of our leaders today in CEF and other ministries have been trained to teach the Bible and explain the Good News of Jesus Christ through this summer program.

Is God calling you?

STEP 1: Consider serving as a CYIA missionary. Discuss with your parents. For more information, contact CEF of North AL at 334-399-1733 or

STEP 2: Submit your application by April 3. Must be 12 or older by June 1, 2020.

STEP 3: Attend the Challenging training June 7-13 at Raleigh’s Place near Clanton. You can do it in the Lord’s strength!

STEP 4: See God use you to make an eternal impact in the lives of children where you live. We request that you serve at least 2-3 weeks after training.


God is growing our work by building our prayer ministries and our contacts with churches, individuals, and schools.  If you want to be a part of this through participation or giving, please contact either Jim Simoneau at 334-399-1733 or Kathryn Burleson at 256-353-3139

Please mail your tax-deductible gifts to:

CEF of Alabama, Inc. North Alabama Chapter, P.O Box 2034, Huntsville, AL 35804

For Christ and for the children,

Jim Simoneau, Director of CEF of North Alabama

Kathryn Burleson, Good News Club Coordinator and Teacher Trainer of CEF of North Alabama


Child Evangelism Fellowship® will make every effort to honor the contribution designation of the donor, yet contributions must be under the direction and control of CEF®. CEF has the discretion to determine how to best use contributions to carry out its functions and purposes. Such control of the funds by CEF is required to ensure the donor's contributions satisfy requirements for tax-deductibility.