Children, Covid, & Hope

Children, Coronavirus, and Hope
How can we help children in this unusual time?

Why help children through Covid fears?
During the Co-Vid crisis many children do not know what is happening and need help facing their fears about sickness and death. Many parents and leaders are busy with their own concerns, but children need time, attention and personal resources to face their fears and concerns not only to trust Jesus to save them from their sin, but to help them cope with the reality in this fallen world. Children can deal with fear and death if done with God’s help, with wisdom, and hope.


Who should help children through Covid fears?
It is the desire of Child Evangelism Fellowship® to help our parents, leaders, and children’s workers deal with the underlying fears and anxieties of children hearing about Co-vid 19, but also other sicknesses and death for their loved ones and even for their own lives. Many people use some scary words making the children wonder what will happen to them and their loved ones through this time. While we want children to be aware of the seriousness of the situation, we also want to give them Jesus’ comfort, encouragement, and hope.

When, where, and what help can we find to address the covid crisis for children?
“Do You Wonder Why?” video at: .
“Do You Wonder Why booklet at:
The Wonder Devotional Book 2 for more help at: Also Available in Spanish.

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Seven recommendations to help children and families deal with sickness and death:
When, where, and what help can we find to address the covid crisis for children?

First, pray for and with the child that God would help the child grasp the seriousness of sickness and death along with the reality of Christ’s help and comfort.
Second, seek to be certain that each child has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ pointing them to Christ as their source of strength.
Third, teach the child what God is like. Describe His rule over all creation; that He is all-powerful; that He is everywhere; that He knows all things. Describe His love and goodness.
Fourth, share the power of prayer using Bible characters such as Daniel or Queen Esther and Bible promises such as Psalm 145:18, “The Lord is near to all who call on him.”
Fifth, share personal ways God has helped you through crisis with related Bible verses such as Psalm 46:1 “God is [child’s name] refuge and strength and help in fearful times.” 
Sixth, show genuine empathy to the child by giving undivided attention, communicating concern with tone, facial expressions and appropriate body language. Build trust by keeping their words in confidence.
Seventh, encourage the child to express their feelings while being accepting of those feelings using books like CEF booklet, “Do You Wonder Why? “(Copyright 2016 Child Evangelism Fellowship, Version 5.0) Ask questions like, “Has what happened made you afraid?”

For Christ and for the children,
Dr. Jim Simoneau
Local Director