True Hope for us all


“My hope is built on nothing less that Jesus Christ, my righteousnes.” These beginning lines of the song “My Hope is Built on Nothing Less” were on my mind this morning. We have True hope because of Jesus Christ. We have not seen Him yet have believed in Him and His promises. We have faith in the sovereign God who is all powerful and keeps every promise.

But what about those who do not have this hope? They have fear and uncertainty. Let’s use this time to share the Gospel with them in His great love!

CEF has many resources to help you share the real Hope that is only found in Jesus. From free online training sessions like the Wordless Book, to teaching materials and kids tracts you can order, to their new YouTube channel for kids.

Please contact us today for more information on how together we can reach every child in every county in North AL (and beyond thanks to the internet)! or (334) 399-1733