Vids for Kids

This section has videos for kids, but the whole family is welcome! Kathryn shares the good news of Jesus using object lessons for kids.

The Greatest Gift. Let's think about some of the gifts God has given as we discover the Greatest Gift He has given. (The Greatest Gift - click here)

Disappearing Sin. This a story about you! Check it out! (Disappearing Sin - click here)

Two Birthdays. Did you know that there are two kinds of birthdays? Kathryn shares with you how you can have two birthdays too! (Two Birthdays - click here)

God Loves the World. Have you every thought about how big the world is? Tune in to hear about the world and how God showed His great love to the whole world. (God Loves the World - click here)

The Perfect Fit. Did you know that there is an empty space in your heart? Kathryn shares about how people try to fill that space and what is the only thing that can truly fill it. (The Perfect Fit - click here)

Key to Heaven. How can you get to Heaven? Many people have many ideas. Kathryn talks about "keys" people try to use to get to Heaven and about the "One Key" to Heaven. (Key to Heaven - click here)

God Wants You to have a Friendship with Him. Did you know that God wants to have a special friendship with you? He does! Kathryn shares about that wonderful relationship and how you can have it. (God Wants You to have a Friendship with Him - click here)

The Most Amazing True Story. Using colors and shapes, Kathryn shares the most amazing true story which is from God's True Book, the Bible. (The Most Amazing True Story - click here) - available Thursday 5/7/2020 at 9am

Kids Questions about Prayer. Kids (and adults) often have many questions about prayer: when, how, where, who, and more. Kathryn answers many of those questions in this video. (Kids Questions about Prayer - click here) - available Monday 5/11/2020 at 9am