Summer Ministry Day of Prayer 2022

James 5:16 tells us that the prayer of a righteous person accomplishes much; in some versions it says that the prayer of a righteous person has great power.

We at CEF of North AL are asking you to join us in prayer for the Summer Ministry on Saturday, June 4, 2022. Powerful prayers are needed as the foundation of this ministry and to accomplish much as God guides and works.

This day is set aside to intercede on behalf of the children, the teen summer missionaries, and the CEF staff. On the day after our Day of Prayer, the Summer Ministry launches with the week-long training camp for the teens, followed by five weeks Bible clubs for children in Huntsville, Decatur, and the surrounding area.

Whether you pray alone or with others, throughout the day as you are able, we want to bathe the Summer Ministry in prayer for a period of 12 hours. There are 30min time slots from 8am-8pm; if you would be willing to be part of the 12 hours of prayer, please either go to the event on our Facebook page (CEF of North Alabama) and comment in the 12 Hours of Prayer post which empty time you’d like (the times available will be listed & updated). CLICK HERE TO GO TO THE EVENT. If you don’t have Facebook, you can email us at or text us at 256-353-3139 to sign up.

How will you join us in prayer on this special day?

Below are 5 prayer requests and 5 praises to help you to pray more specifically.


1.    For the teen summer missionaries as they study and learn how to share the Gospel with children.

2.    For the CEF staff to be clear in teaching and instruction, overflowing with encouragement for the teens and each other, and full of wisdom as they endeavor to help teens to grow into future leaders.

3.    For the children who will be in the Bible clubs throughout June and July: growth for saved children and salvation for unsaved children.

4.    For safety as the staff and teens travel to the clubs.

5.    For teens and staff as they are on the front lines of spiritual battle. Pray for emotions, thoughts, health, and relationships. Satan desires to create problems to prevent children from hearing the Gospel.


1.    For a just and loving God who made a way for people to know Him and who desires for children and their families to be saved.

2.    For the 5 teens who have chosen to serve God this summer by sharing the Gospel with children. Praise for their families who make it possible for the teens to serve.

3.    For staff to oversee the Summer Ministry, train & disciple the teens, and take part in the Bible clubs.

4.    For locations and opportunities to teach the Bible clubs.

5.    For those who have joined us financially to support the ministry.