Be Transformed

Be Transformed: CYIA 2022

This Summer, Christian Youth in Action (CYIA) teens will be discovering more about being transformed into the image of Christ and learning how to share the transformative message of the Good News of Jesus with children in North Alabama. We need financial partners for the CEF Summer Ministry Program to make a huge impact in North Alabama! 

Our 5 CYIA teens will begin the summer with training at a week-long life-changing camp with other CYIA teens from across the state. Then they teach 5-Day Clubs (Bible clubs) in our local area with CEF staff and volunteers for 5 weeks in June and July, usually three 5-Day Clubs every week.

Each year, many boys and girls come to know the Lord as their Savior through these Bible clubs. Last summer, your generosity and the Lord’s provision allowed us with 5 CYIA teens to reach 275 children in 14 clubs. Of those children, 4 made first time professions of faith in Jesus as Savior!

CYIA 2021

Here is just a little of what teens have said they learned from their CYIA experience:

•  How to share their faith

•  That God really will be there to help you

•  How to work as a team

•  How to better communicate & understand young children

•  The importance of sharing the Gospel


CEF of North Alabama is raising $10,500 by June 30, 2022, to fully fund the Summer Ministry of Christian Youth In Action and 5-Day Clubs. In 2021, $10,700 was raised specifically for the Summer Ministry, and even more was given for the general ministry at that time. These gifts fully funded the Summer Ministry as well as set our fall up for success with Good News Clubs. We are excited to partner with you to be able to offer this FREE ministry to the community.

     Here are some ways you can partner with us:

  • $400 sends one teen to CYIA training camp week and covers his or her teaching kit.

  • $260 covers the cost of one day of 3 clubs of summer ministry: materials, staff, and travel.

  • $1,300 covers the cost of one week of 3 clubs of summer ministry: materials, staff, and travel.

Will you prayerfully consider partnering with CEF of North Alabama and supporting a teen?

Are you or your church interested in hosting or sponsoring a 5-Day Club?

Please join us in praying for the teens, the children, and CEF as we endeavor to make Forever Followers of Jesus Christ this summer!

To donate by check:

   CEF of North Alabama

   P.O. Box 2034

   Huntsville, AL 35804

To give online through PayPal:


·         or scan the QR code with your smart phone camera

**Please indicate “CYIA Summer Ministry” on your tax-deductible donation. 

**You can contact us at or 334-399-1733.


For Christ and the Children,

   Jim Simoneau, Local Director

   Kathryn Burleson, GNC Coordinator & Teacher Trainer

   Rachel Uithoven, Summer Ministries Intern