CEF World Day of Prayer 2021

CEF World Day of Prayer

CEF of North AL

November 3rd, 2021 

Dear friends and family of CEF of North AL,

CEF’s World Day of Prayer is almost here – Wednesday, November 3. This is a day our CEF founding fathers gave us to be held the first Wednesday of November. This day of prayer has such power and potential that we choose to step away to pray on behalf of children. Please join us in prayer that the Gospel will go forth mightily!

    Mr. Overholtzer (our founder) with his prayer globe.  

Mr. O’s globe and Bible 

We are concerned that this important day is either forgotten completely or observed in a minimal way by others. We say we believe in prayer and would fight to defend it, and yet are we neglecting a day dedicated to prayer? It is important to seek the Lord for His direction and power in our personal lives and in the ministry. 

At our International Headquarters, one of the many things they do is meet around large floor maps of the world and the USA to pray. Throughout the day, they pray in large and small groups, as well as have time alone with God.

Locally, we will be praying over a world map or globe and over each of the 14 counties in our area of North AL. We will be coming together to pray in person, over the phone, and through Zoom. We will be praying over the schools and neighborhoods around us; some will be going on prayer walks in-person or virtually.

We will also have a video message with Pastor Jim posted on our Facebook page and our YouTube channel at 9am on Wednesday to kick off the day of prayer. On Thursday night at 6:30, we will be having a local Zoom prayer group; if you would like to join us, please email us at cefofnal.gnc@gmail.com for the meeting link and password.

We ask you as our friends and family to set aside time on Wednesday, November 3 for prayer for the ministry of CEF locally and around the globe. We know you probably will have many things going on in your day and ask that you pray as you are able. But don’t spend the day alone! Invite other children’s volunteers, GNC team members, your churches and small groups, and believers to join you. Our prayer guide below consists of 10 praises and 10 prayer requests. There is also a map of our chapter.

After the World Day of Prayer is over, please continue to pray. We encourage you to get a prayer partner and pray together weekly (in person, on the phone, or virtually) for CEF and for the children.

The power of God comes through prayer. Prayer is the foundation of our ministry and is incredibly powerful! How awesome it is to know that the mighty God hears and answers our prayers!

CEF of North AL Prayer Guide

“Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving;” Colossians 4:2


1.    God is good and faithful! Ps 106.

2.    God has blessed us with wonderful financial partners in ministry. Phil 4: 14 – 19

3.    Many partner with us as volunteers, club hosts, and sponsoring churches. Phil. 1: 3 – 5

4.    More believers are being trained and equipped to minister to children. II Tim 2: 1 – 2

5.    God has given great unity among our staff and committee to lead in the ministry. Ps. 133:1

6.    God continues to guide us in every aspect as we grow and develop to meet new challenges and opportunities. I Cor. 16: 9

7.    God brought many children to hear, believe, and grow in Him this year. Luke 15:7; I Thess. 1:8

8.    Five teens served with us this summer to share the Gospel with many children in-person. I Thess. 1: 2 – 3

9.    Children are hearing the Gospel in-person and learning how they can have a personal relationship with God in Good News Clubs (GNC) and through our social media. Phil. 1: 18

10. God is opening doors for GNCs to be held again. Seven have already begun this school year! Acts 14:27


Prayer requests:

1.    CEF around the world – for more children to be reached, more volunteers, safety. Acts 1:8

2.    Revival in our Nation – for a turning of our hearts to God and for believers to be unified. Psalm 33:12; II Chron. 7:14

3.    CEF headquarters and International Board – for the leadership and staff as they look for the next CEF president. Heb 13: 17

4.    CEF of AL State Director – for the State board as they search for the right person to fill this role. Luke 6:12-13a; Acts 6:3

5.    Our local CEF committee – for health, wisdom, and guidance for members and for more to join the committee. John 16:13; Proverbs 3: 5 – 6

6.    Our local staff – for Jim Simoneau (Local Director), Kathryn Burleson (GNC Coordinator & Teacher Trainer), and Giselle Crooks (Bookkeeper & Office Manager). Heb. 13: 7; Eph 6: 18 – 20

7.    GNCs – for this year, last year, and more clubs to start; for the children, the volunteers, the church sponsors, and for more open doors. Luke 14: 21 – 22; John 15: 16

8.    Finances – for our financial partners and for more to join us financially so that more ministry can be done. Luke 6:38; II Cor. 8: 3 – 5

9.    Local churches – for more to hear about how we desire to come alongside them and work with them to further the Great Commission. Acts 20: 24; Luke 10: 2

10. Our schools – for the children, the staff, and the administration. Matt. 25: 40; Luke 10: 13 – 16


“And he said to them, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest’.” Luke 10:2