Make a Joyful Noise

Christian Youth In Action 2024 #JOY

This Summer, Christian Youth in Action (CYIA) teens will be diving into God’s Word, uncovering more on the joy we have in Jesus, and learning how to share with children in North Alabama how they can find true joy through faith in Jesus. We need financial partners for the CEF Summer Ministry Program to make a huge impact in North Alabama! Our Staff and 3 CYIA teens will begin the summer with a 7 day life-changing missions training camp with other CYIA teens from across the state. Then they teach 5-Day Clubs (Bible clubs) in our local area with CEF staff and volunteers for 5 weeks in June and July, usually three 5-Day Clubs every week. Each year, many boys and girls come to know the Lord as their Savior or grow in their faith through these Bible clubs. Last summer, your generosity and the Lord’s provision allowed us with our CYIA teen to reach 299 children in 12 clubs! Also, 13 videos were produced reaching over 1,100 people!

Equipping Teens

Here is just a little of what teens have said they learned from their CYIA experience:

  • The importance of sharing the Gospel

  • How to share their faith

  • That God really will be there to help you

  • How to work as a team

  • How to better communicate & understand young children

Ways You Can Partner With Us

CEF of North Alabama is raising $11,250 by June 30, 2024, to fully fund the Summer Ministry of Christian Youth In Action and 5-Day Clubs. In 2023, almost $14,000 was given specifically for the Summer Ministry. These gifts fully funded the Summer Ministry and then helped with the start of the Good News Club season! Thank you!! We are excited to partner with you to be able to offer this FREE ministry to the community. Here are some ways you can partner with us this summer:

  • $450 sends one teen to CYIA training camp (7 days) and covers his or her teaching kit.

  • $375 covers the cost of one day of 3 clubs of summer ministry: materials, staff, and travel.

  • $1,875 covers the cost of one week of 3 clubs of summer ministry: materials, staff, and travel.

How Will You Share the Joy?

Will you prayerfully consider partnering with CEF of North Alabama in sharing the joy found through faith in Jesus? Are you or your church interested in hosting or sponsoring a 5-Day Club?

Please join us in praying for the teens, the children, and CEF as we endeavor to make Forever Followers of Jesus Christ this summer!

To donate by check: CEF of North Alabama, P.O. Box 2034, Huntsville, AL 35804

To give online through PayPal, CLICK HERE to go to the donate tab on our website.

**Please indicate “CYIA Summer Ministry” on your tax-deductible donation.

**You can contact us at 256-353-3139 or

Make A Joyful Noise

“Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!” - Psalm 95:1-2

Will you join us in making a joyful noise singing praises of God’s work in Good News Clubs & Christmas Party Clubs this school year?

  • 24 GNCs & 10 Christmas Party Clubs were taught by faithful volunteers; most GNCs were sponsored by church partners.

  • 831 children heard the Gospel, were invited to believe & follow Jesus, were equipped & challenged to grow, & were encouraged to join a local church.

  • 70 children believed in Jesus, & many more were counseled for growth and faith questions.

Tender Hearts

"I want to become a child of God!" A boy in our club stood up and exclaimed this after he heard "But to all who did receive Him...He gave the right to become children of God.” He was counseled and made a decision for Christ. A later week, he responded to the invitation to "believe...and have eternal life" because he wanted to make sure it was the same thing. Knowing God was that important to him!

"I've been sinning....A LOT," said a first grade girl who had believed in Jesus in September. She usually responded to the invitation with the desire to pray with a leader for her dad's salvation, but this time was different. When she looked so concerned about her sin, we read 1 John 1:9, "Confess...forgive." She talked to God about her sin and asked Him to help her live to please Him. Then she just wanted to talk about all Jesus had done for her on the cross. We re-read all the Scriptures about God's love, our sin, what Jesus did, and on and on. It was precious!

Coming soon to a computer near you... Teaching Children Effectively, Level 1!

Want to make deeper connections between the Bible & your children? Looking for teaching tools & techniques? Look no further!

What: An in-depth course to equip you to teach the Word of God effectively to children

When: Sept 7-Nov 16, Saturdays 9am-12 (Space is limited! Register now OR by or before Aug 10, 2024.) CLICK HERE to register or email for more information!

Cost: $150 (includes student book & a full teaching kit!)

Where: Your home - This is a virtual course on Zoom

Why: Because children need the message of Life & Hope found in faith in Jesus Christ and need help learning how to follow God with their whole lives.

CEF® of AL, Inc. North AL Chapter is a nonprofit organization exempt under section 501c(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and contributions are deductible to the extent allowed by law. Child Evangelism Fellowship® will make every effort to honor the contribution designation of the donor, yet contributions must be under the direction and control of CEF®. CEF has the discretion to determine how to best use contributions to carry out its functions and purposes. Such control of the funds by CEF is required to ensure the donor's contributions satisfy requirements for tax-deductibility.