Discovering Jesus this Summer 🔎

This summer, there is a great opportunity to minister to children during the summer school break. You, your church, or a teen you know can teach or help teach a summer club at one or more of our summer club locations or at a location you know where you would like to hold a club. We desire to partner with your church in making disciples of children!

There are several ways we can help you to reach children with the Gospel this summer.

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1) Christian Youth In Action
You (or a teen you know) can serve God while still a teen. You don't need to wait until you are an adult. God wants you to share the message of Hope in Jesus with others.
Christian Youth In Action is a CEF program designed to train young people to teach children about God and to grow those teens into future leaders in the church and community.
CYIA 2021 is scheduled for June 6-12 at Raleigh’s Place near Clanton. If you will be at least 12 by June 1st (or know someone who will be), you can serve as a summer missionary spreading the warmth of God’s love with the children! The deadline to apply is May 1.
Contact us now for information about how you can get involved.

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2) Host a 5-Day Club
You or your church can host a 5-Day Club. The clubs are taught by the CYIA teens. The club meets 3-5 days during one week in June or July for 1 hour each day; it can be up to 1.5 hours if you'd like us to play extra games with the children before and after club time.
You can host a club in your home or backyard, in a community center, in a neighborhood clubhouse or pavilion, at your church, at your church as part of the VBS, and more!
Contact us today for more information! 256-353-3139 or

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3) Your church can conduct it's own 5-Day Club
We partner with your church to reach children around your church by training your workers in how to minister more effectively to children, assisting your church in setting up a CEF 5-Day Club, and supporting your church as it conducts the 5-Day Club. As an official CEF club, we run background checks on all the volunteers and train them in child protection also.
The church pictured above taught a CEF 5-Day Club outside their church and used it as part of a family outreach ministry.
Contact us today for more information! 256-353-3139 or

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4) We can help equip your church for its own outreach ministries
We partner with your church to reach children around your church by training your workers (teens too) in how to minister more effectively to children in your VBS, summer missions trips, community events, and however your church plans outreaches. We work with you to tailor the training to the needs of your church and volunteers.
Contact us today for more information! 256-353-3139 or

Pictured below are the summer 2021 kits. One is the Discovering Jesus kit, and the second is the Discovering Jesus kit with a FREE Christmas Party Club kit.
These kits are available in KJV, ESV, and Spanish. Go to CEF Press to check them out and order your kits.
Click here to go to CEF Press


Discovering Jesus!

Kit includes:
Discovering Jesus flashcard and text (formerly Knowing Christ)
Mary Slessor flashcard and text (formerly Run, Ma, Run)
ESV Verse visuals
Pack of 25 Verse tokens
Word Up cards
UPs Rules and Map poster
Prayer Visual with detective visuals
Guiding a Child to the Savior booklet
Small Wordless Book and How to Lead a Child leaflet
Song Visuals for "His Name Is Jesus" and "Have You Heard?"
Discovering Jesus Music CD that includes 8 English songs, 3 ESV verse songs and 3 Spanish songs

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Discovering Jesus PLUS Christmas Party Kit

Kit includes:
Discovering Jesus flashcard and text (formerly Knowing Christ)
Mary Slessor flashcard and text (formerly Run, Ma, Run)
ESV Verse visuals
Pack of 25 Verse tokens
Word Up cards
UPs Rules and Map poster
Prayer Visual with detective visuals
Guiding a Child to the Savior booklet
Small Wordless Book and How to Lead a Child leaflet
Song Visuals for "His Name Is Jesus" and "Have You Heard?"
Discovering Jesus Music CD that includes 8 English songs, 3 ESV verse songs and 3 Spanish songs
Plus, God Keeps His Promises (flashcard, text and Resource & PPT CD) Christmas lesson