Anticipating the Future

Dear friends and family,

Our Digital Age and Ministry

Would you like to help reach children with the Gospel in this digital age? With many social distancing or staying home, we have expanded our ministry to kids to include recording and publishing videos for them on our social media to reach children where they are in this time.

We are excited to invite you to join us in our video ministry! We are looking for leaders who will be recorded teaching to children over video object lessons, verses, and songs done in CEF related format. We have the scripts written for you to use, the equipment for the recording, and helps for you. To join us in this new ministry format, you will need to be background checked through us and be up to date with your child protection compliance.

Contact us today for more information or how to get involved! or 334-399-1733


It’s Time to Party!

Who doesn’t like to party? Even an introvert like myself (Kathryn) enjoys small parties with friends and family. Kids love parties! Did you know that you can use a party to share the Gospel with children? You can use a CEF Party Club. These one-time clubs are about 1-1.5 hours long and are packed with fun. Children hear an exciting lesson with a Gospel presentation, enjoy learning a Bible verse, sing encouraging songs, and more.

You can host and/or teach a social distancing Party Club in your home/backyard, your church, your community, or even over Zoom. We provide free quality training and help for you. Here are some great up-coming times to teach a Party Club: Valentine’s, Easter, Spring Break, and end-of-school. (Recommended: Valentine’s lesson – The Greatest Valentine, Easter lesson – The King’s Crown, Spring Break – The Ice Cream MESSage, End-of-School – Blast Off The Story of Johannes Kelper or The Secret of the Watermelon)

Contact us today for more information or how to get involved! or 334-399-1733


Thank You for Your Partnership!

Thank you for joining us financially! Your gifts help us to continue to build and grow on the foundation of ministry to children—a foundation that has been laid for us by others who have gone before us. Our goal is to help reach every child, every nation, every day with the gospel of Jesus Christ to make and equip disciples for ministry work in and through the local churches and communities. We appreciate each of you who has given and has joined us as a financial partner!

Thank you to Southwood Presbyterian Church for choosing to sponsor us with your beautiful Tinsel Trail tree in December!

Christian Youth In Action 2021

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We would like to share with you about a summer ministry opportunity for the teens of your church. Christian Youth in Action (CYIA) is a ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship. It is an opportunity for teens 12-19 to receive a week of ministry training and then go with their team to teach 5-Day Clubs for children around their area. CYIAers must attain age 12 by June 1st, 2021. The deadline to apply is May 1st.

5-Day Clubs include five parts: a Bible Lesson with a counseling time afterward for those who wish, a daily memory verse, songs, a missionary story, and a review game.

This year the training camp will be held June 6-12 in Clanton, Alabama at Raleigh’s Place. Teens will be trained in working with children (ages 5-12), presenting the Gospel, teaching Bible Lessons, public speaking, and many other useful topics. Teens will also both see and perform demonstrations of each part of the club.

Here is a testimony from a CYIA teen: “Through CYIA, I learned so much about working with different ages, public speaking, flexibility, and teamwork. But most importantly, my time as a CYIAer has taught me to trust God that He knows best, is in control, and will help and equip me to do His will. Not only that, but I have also formed deep friendships with others who encourage me in my walk with the Lord. These lessons have continued to help me as I [my] daily life.”

Please join with us and spread the word about the CYIA program. Share it with any teens in your life who are looking for outlets in which to serve the Lord. Right now, people are confused and looking for truth and hope—it is the perfect time to spread the Gospel! If you or anyone you know have any questions or would like to apply, feel free to contact our Local Director Dr. Jim Simoneau ( or 334-399-1733) or our Good News Club Coordinator & Teacher Trainer Kathryn Burleson ( or 256-353-3139).

Memorial Giving

In Memory of Betsy Dix:
Betsy Rogers
Phillip Maternowsky
Anne & Oliver Bailess
William and Jean Mims
Calvin & Elizabeth Draffin
Jim and Susan Simoneau
Ms. Lois M. Cathcart
Thurston Lyles Chavis Jr
Judith Hoyt Chavis

In memory of Jo and John Cook:
Mrs. Marjorie Cox


In our November email we sent out a note that we had 18,000 hits on our 70 videos. The number 18,000 was a typo as we had 8,000 views. The good news is that during March-December 2020, we have now confirmed 12,201 hits on 92 videos, many coming in December. We apologize for the misinformation.

Dr. Jim Simoneau
Local Director

Kathryn Burleson
Good News Club Coordinator and Teacher Trainer