2021 is Coming to a Close

Today, Child Evangelism Fellowship of North Alabama is positively impacting the lives of children and their future! We've had new Good News Clubs starting all fall in local schools and communities, and we are so excited to watch God work! Would you consider helping with a gift of $100, $500 or $1000 today as an end of year gift?

One child innocently asked in a Good News Club, "What is a cross?"

CEF taught that child (and so many more) what a cross is and how much God loved us all by sending His Son on Christmas to be born and to eventually die on the cross for our sins! Today, please join in supporting CEF of North Alabama with a gift that will help us bring the Gospel to more children in the hope of making more Forever Followers of Jesus Christ!

To Donate, please click the donate tab on the top of our website or scan the QR Code below.