Child Protection Policy Video


In today’s society child abuse and child accusations are occurring daily. Therefore it is important that Child Evangelism Fellowship® take steps to protect the children to whom we minister and protect our workers from false accusations. All volunteers and paid workers are required to undergo a national criminal background check and complete a volunteer application process in accordance with Child Evangelism Fellowship®’s Child Protection Policy. Thank you for helping us provide a safe environment for the children entrusted to our care

Child Protection V6.0

Child abuse is defined as any verbal abuse, online abuse, sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, or infliction of injury. Examples of sexual abuse are: rape, incest, sodomy, lewd or lascivious behavior which includes wrong types of speech, inappropriate use of communication devices or touching.

In order to protect the child from abuse and our workers from false accusations, the following steps must be taken:

  1. Always provide adult supervision for children in our care.

  2. Two-worker (minimum) rule: Two CEF workers, paid or volunteer, must be present at any CEF activity where children or minors are present including online or by phone.

    1. Never be alone with a child/children in any setting.

    2. Never be alone with a minor in any setting, unless the minor’s parent has signed a waiver.

  3. Ensure that all rooms where ministry is taking place are accessible (not locked) with a window in the door or the door left wide open. There should be no private conversations, texts or online chats.

  4. Report to supervisory staff all suspicious or inappropriate behavior between any CEF worker and a child or

    1. Supervisory staff must complete R-9 (see USA Operations & Policy Manual) and investigate incident immediately.

  5. Supervisory staff must make random visits of CEF sponsored activities.

  6. Overnight activities sponsored by CEF involving children or minors must be approved by the local or state director and the local committee or state board.

All volunteers who have contact with minors (in person, online or by phone), all paid staff and all committee/board members who represent and/or participate in CEF:

  1. Be screened by a face-to-face interview

  2. Show a government issued photo ID

  3. Read the Child Protection Policy.

  4. Listen to or view the Protecting Today’s Child

  5. Read and sign the Worker’s Compliance Agreement.

  6. Complete the Confidential Screening Form.

  7. Complete the Background/Reference Check Authorization (parent must sign for a minor).

For adults (18 and older), in addition to 1-7, CEF must:

  1. Conduct a criminal background check with these minimum requirements

  • National Criminal Database Search

    • If a state or county does not report to the National Criminal Database, then a state or county report is required.

  • National Sex Offender Registry Search

  • Social Security Number Address History Trace


  • These are minimum requirements. State boards determine if additional requirements are necessary for exercising due diligence.

    1. If your legal jurisdiction requires more, you must also comply with their requirements.

For minors (ages 14-17), in addition to 1-7, CEF must:

  1. Check two references, one of which is the pastor.

For all adult staff (paid or volunteer), in addition to 1-8, CEF must:

  1. Criminal record check for all states where the worker lived in the past five years.

  2. Check at least two references, one of which is the pastor.

For adult camp or overnight volunteers, in addition to 1-8, CEF must:

  1. Check at least two references, one of which is the pastor.

SPECIAL NOTE: Volunteers under age 14 must:

  • Always be under the direct supervision of a screened worker aged 16 or above.

  • Never be supervised by a single individual (adult or minor).

  • Never serve as one of the two individuals in the two-worker policy requirement.

Criminal Background Check Screening Rules
Check references in cases where the applicant has a criminal record or other red flag that does not necessarily disqualify him/her from participation in CEF ministries.

The following would prevent a person from working with CEF:

  1. Any crime against children. No exceptions.

  2. Any sex crime of any type. No exceptions.

  3. All felony convictions. Exceptions require the approval of the vice president, USA ministries.

Rescreening Requirements

  1. Every worker must review the Protecting Today’s Child presentation annually.

  2. Workers who have not been active within one year must have a Criminal Background Check rerun.

  3. Every worker must have a Criminal Background Check rerun every five years.

  4. A worker transferring to another area must obtain from his former location a signed and completed Screening Procedure Checklist. If the Criminal Background Check was conducted more than five years prior, the transferred worker must be processed as a new worker.

  5. All minors (ages 14-17) must be processed as new adult workers when they reach their 18th birthday.


  1. The committee chairman is responsible for ensuring compliance within his local chapter by annually signing and submitting the CPP Compliance Verification Form (OPM, R-22) to the state board chairman.

  2. The state board chairman is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Child Protection Policy within his state. Annually, the state board chairman confirms compliance by signing and submitting the CPP Compliance Verification Form (OPM, R-22a) to USA Ministries.

  3. USA Ministries monitors to ensure 100% compliance with this policy.

When any worker has reasonable suspicion that a minor or child is being abused by anyone representing CEF, or is himself accused, or someone whose action would reflect on CEF is accused, the following action must be taken:

  1. Call USA Ministries 636-456-4321, ext. 5510 as soon as possible and within 24 hours. Notify your next higher office that this step has been taken.

  2. Any person suspected of child abuse will, upon request, voluntarily relinquish or be removed from duties which involve direct contact with minors or children until the matter is completely resolved.

  3. USA Ministries will determine the future ministry of the accused staff member or volunteer.

WARNING: Failure to follow reporting procedures of USA Ministries may result in termination of all CEF workers responsible in this reporting process.

All CEF staff and volunteers must fully abide by this policy and all state child abuse reporting requirements.